Sadegh Droodgar urges Khakpour to step down.

The ex-CEO of Malavan Anzali,   Sadegh Droodgar who has worked with Mohammad Khakpour in Saipa , has urged the recently appointed Head Coach of Omid Team to step down to maintain his integrity and save his reputation.

In an open letter to Khakpour, Droodgar said that the fate of Omid team which carries hope of 80 million Iranians is NOT the right place for gaining experience. In this unique letter, Ddroodgar who has a long career in administrative jobs including as recently, an executive committee member of the FFIRI, said  “This responsivity requires the most experienced, the most knowledgeable and a veteran professional coach.  Although I do not doubt your knowledge and dedication, I ask you this question. If you were in a position of responsibility that requires you to deliver the dream that has lasted for 4 decades, wouldn’t you select the most experienced and the most capable, battle hardened coach to deliver this dream?”  

“I am speaking with you as I know that you are a man of honesty and integrity. You are well aware of the circumstances surrounding this federation, its failures, frailties, outside interferences and lack of resources. It is those misfortunes that has led this federation in a hasty decision-making process and left it handicapped fearing public and media backlash. I am speaking to your conscious. As a person who has repeatedly expressed your concerns about injustice, inequality and nepotism of this football.  It is in this sense that I am questioning how would you take a serious responsibility without having the proper credentials & qualifications for it. I am sure you would have been ideal as a team manager of Omid Team but by taking the full responsibility of coaching, you are really doing an injustice to yourself and the football of this proud nation.”

“The decision to appoint you by the federation was done on haste, lack of vision, confusion amongst other adversities. You are an asset of this country and have a great future. Do not burn it this early and this easily in the first step. This football can be cruel to our national heroes like Amir Ghalenboei and Ali Daei have already experienced at Team Melli. Perhaps their fate this should have been a reality check and an eye opener for our aspiring young national coaches.”

“Do the honorable, and allow someone with much more experience to take the responsibility and carry hope of this nation to fulfill a 40 years long dream.”

 Sadegh Droodgar is reflecting many observers and veterans who are shocked by this appointment.