The Belgian publication Le Soir posted an article about Team Melli’s forward highlighting his revival at Charleroi.
The scorer of the only goal of the game against Eupen on Saturday, Kaveh Rezaei seems to have regained the level and confidence that allowed him to be revealed to the Pro League in his first season at Sporting Charleroi.
Culture a success gleaned against Eupen after pushing on the accelerator at the end of the game, the successful performance of Kaveh Rezaei, punctuated with a nice winning goal, was one of the big positives in Charleroi, Saturday night.
Back this summer from Bruges in the form of a loan with no option to buy, the Iranian has shown in recent weeks, and once again facing the Pandas despite a reworked device, all that for what he had become in a few months an idol of Mambourg, after his arrival in summer 2017.