Mehdi Taj “Naghshe Jahan Stadium was a disgrace”

The Naghshe Jahan Stadium, located in Isfahan, has recently come under scrutiny due to its terrible turf conditions. During a match between Sepahan and Shabab Al-Ahli Dubai in the preliminary rounds of the AFC Elite League, the stadium’s shortcomings were evident and televised for the rest of the region. The President of the Iran Football Federation, Mehdi Taj, expressed his disappointment, emphasizing the need for urgent improvements.

Both Taj and Amir Ghalenoei, the head coach of Team Melli (the Iranian national football team), attended the match. Their observations highlighted serious concerns about the pitch quality. Naghshe Jahan Stadium is slated to host Team Melli’s match against Kyrgyzstan on September 5th, and the current conditions are far from acceptable.

Urgent Measures Needed

In a meeting of the working group for stadium standardization, Taj emphasized the urgency of addressing the stadium’s deficiencies. He acknowledged that Esteghlal and Persepolis clubs who do not own stadiums themselves, are responsible for introducing suitable stadiums. Both teams face challenges. Taj suggested that the football federation, akin to the AFC, should verify and approve stadiums after thorough assessments. Howevr, in Tehran in particular, there is a lack of suitable stadiums.

Collaborative Efforts

Taj called for collective efforts from all stakeholders, including government bodies. While praising the progress made so far in Azadi Stadium renovation works, he stressed that certain tasks should have been completed earlier. Azadi Stadium, the main venue, is currently undergoing essential renovations. Taj urged patience in properly completing the work, emphasizing the importance of not rushing to ensure long-term benefits and a quality finish.

Alternatives Considered

Regarding Naghshe Jahan Stadium’s suitability for hosting national team matches, Taj expressed reservations. The turf conditions pose serious problems, especially if opponents adopt a defensive strategy. The search for an alternative venue continues. Fortunately, stadiums like Azadi, Golgohar Sirjan, and Mes Rafsanjan are meeting expectations, however, each has some challenges too.

Challenges and Solutions

Kerman, unfortunately, lacks sufficient five-star hotels. Despite this, Taj remains optimistic. The Aluminum Arak Stadium is a viable option, and preparations are underway. However, Takhti Stadium faces security-related hurdles. Although ready for use, it lacks approval from police and intelligence services due to traffic concerns.

Club Contributions

Esteghlal and Persepolis clubs have stepped up by contributing 17.5 billion tomans each toward stadium improvements. Addressing traffic issues at Takhti Stadium remains a challenge, but Taj hopes to find a solution. Until Azadi Stadium is fully prepared, Takhti will host matches.

Collective Responsibility

In closing, Taj emphasized that stadium preparation is not solely the responsibility of the Football Federation. Collaboration among clubs, authorities, and the community is essential to elevate Iran’s football infrastructure.